Ciao! At the time of my last blog post I was preparing for my school trip to Italy but I am now back home. It was my first time overseas and the longest time away from home but I survived! It was so much fun and it's an experience I'll never forget. I thought I would share some photos of the yummy food I ate in Italy.
Florence. One of my favourite cities that we visited. Not far from
Ponte Vecchio I saw a shop selling fresh hot waffles... so of course I had to have one. Boy was it yummy! Not typically Italian but yummy all the same.
Cappuccino! I tried coffee for the first time in Venice. But the best cappuccino I had was at Florence at a bar. It was
soooo good!
Gnocchi at Rome. Yummy! I had so much
delicious pasta in Italy, but the highlight was probably
lasagne al forno at my host family's house. You can't beat homemade!
Chocolate meringues at Venice. They looked so scrumptious I couldn't help taking a photo!
Strawberry meringues at Venice. I wish I tried one!
And of course
gelati! I had so much
gelati in Italy that towards the end of the trip I swore I wasn't going to have another one. That lasted about four days!
Haha! These two flavours were hazelnut (my favourite!) and coconut.
That's all for now. I'll try and put up more photos if I get the time! xx